Monday, August 15, 2011

He's Just Given up, Right?

President campaigning on tax increases during a down economy.
I feel bad, he's not even trying anymore.

I Know I Feel Safer

Don't you?

Big Move by Google

Google and Motorola are in the midst of a deal that would give the internet search giant it's own mobile platform for the very low low price of $12.5b or just over 65% above the price of Motorola stock. It's not certain what google intends to do with Moto, but I'm sure their patent holdings were a big part of the mix.

Google is in a patent fight with Apple over it's Android OS and as a relatively young company they haven't built up the kind of patent stable you need for that kind of fight. The way it works for most companies is simple, company A sees that company B is controlling a piece of the market share in a product line. Company A finds some obscure patent that they own with which they can sue company B for infringement. Nobody wants to lose their investment so company B tracks down a patent that company A is in violation of and then they negotiate until both sides get to make their product and both sides get paid. The problem for Google is that they don't own very many patents and certainly very few in the mobile phone world. This is where Motorola will really shine in their portfolio. The only question is will they be allowed to make the deal. There's significant reason to suspect that an anti-trust challenge would succeed. But Google is betting it wont and they are putting up $2.5b in earnest money that they'll lose if the deal falls apart. You want to bet that kind of money, you better know something.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Latest News

So Eureka has been canceled. It's not a shock as Sci-Fi had planned an abbreviated sixth season already. Wil Wheaton has the story.

Most people think that most congressmen should be thrown out of office but for the first time since in CNN's polling history most people think that THEIR OWN congressman doesn't deserve another shot at it.

Remember, remember the fifth of November
... When Anonymous (the hacker contingent) says it plans to destroy Facebook. They must have missed how Facebook is already destroying itself.

"Tyranny" was the battle cry, 'we'll show you, we'll take it to the people.' Well it appears that the people have spoken. Despite millions upon millions of union dollars flowing into Wisconsin apparently this is what democracy looks like. Which goes to show that just because you're loud, and just because you're angry, it doesn't mean you're a majority.

QR Codes on Athlete's Bikini Bottoms?

So now every creepy pervert who watches beach volleyball because he can't afford a strip club will have an excuse to take pictures of the girl's asses with impunity? Awesome.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

The Latest News

If you're not doing anything wrong then you shouldn't mind if we take a look. Right?

You say the space program is dead? I say it got out of the way of the private sector.

For every time I hear some whiny asshole tell me that rich conservative or libertarian businessman is a scumbag because he's wealthy I have George Soros to comfort me. For all their possible failings most businessmen make something that people want. Soros has never made an honest dollar in his life, he sucks up money by betting that countries will fail and he has for years had the means to help them along in the process. He's an enormous piece of shit and if you're on his payroll, so are you.

Warning KOS Link. I don't usually link to the partisan hack Markos Moulitsas because, well because he's a partisan hack. But I'm interested in people's responses to this article on his site by Mark Sumner. Not sure I agree completely but it's not the desperate left wing chant that the minority party has caused all our woes. It's an interesting and legitimate possibility. We should remind ourselves that everyone has a personal motive.

This is the kind of shitty reporting that is why I don't usually link to KOS. Maybe the guy beats his wife, maybe not but the editorial authority of this article doesn't imply the need to prove it before calling him a wife beater. It's the oldest scumbag move around "Mr. Senator, do you still beat your wife?". Christ Kaili do some research, get us there before you shout cliche' accusations. #terriblereporting

I'm no expert but didn't we choose this guy to stop this shit?

Worst Presser Ever

"the markets on the other hand continued to believe out credit status is triple A"

"In fact Warren Buffet who knows a thing or two about good investments said, if there were a quadruple A rating I'd give the United States that."


There is literally no useful information in this press conference. I really can't figure out how a writer wrote this script and thought even Obama could sell it.

I honestly think that the prompters have arrows to tell him when he might choose to change directions with his head.

How does not extending unemployment benefits kill jobs? It's bad but, how does it kill jobs. I want to figure out the mechanics of that statement.

"some of the most productive workers"...
We're the best at everything but our workforce? I think this is a weak jab at non-union workers. But I can't be sure because it's an awfully soft statement.

He hasn't made eye contact once. Does he know there's a camera?

Ugh it's so sad, this performance almost makes me want to root for him, I'm embarrassed for him. It's like he's walking home in the morning in last night's torn formal dress after he let the whole fraternity have their way with him. You want to judge him but you also want to get him some help.

Monday, August 08, 2011

The Latest News

Well this is the best attitude to have. I'm sure the world markets will be reassured by the former head of the Federal reserve reminding them that we'd be happy to devalue all of our currency and bankrupt our own citizens just to pretend that we're symbolically honoring our debt.

It would be just like the Republicans to think that their knight in shining armor is a cocky evangelical christian from Texas who's comfortable executing innocent people. It's almost painful to watch them walking into it.

Hey this is good news.

Hello Pot? Yeah it's the Kettle, I have a message for you.

The politics of policing; or how hard is it to be an honest cop? on the Debt Ceiling "Deal".

RIP Mark Hatfield

Oregon Senate Legend Mark O. Hatfield has passed away at the age of 89. Love him or hate him, his name is sure on a ton of shit.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Thursday, August 04, 2011

The Latest News

You all think I'm being hyperbolic when I say we use militarized SWAT teams against farmers but I'm not just talking about pot growers. Hows that raw milk treating you? Who will stand up when they come for you?

Adam Kokesh on labeling political opponents as "terrorists"

Walter Russell Mead on the crisis that faces American Progressives.

"Cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark's in the water. Our shark"... Shark Week.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

The Latest News

Former NFL defensive end and Super Bowl V winner Bubba Smith has passed away today at the age of 66. You may know him better as Lt. Moses Hightower from the Police Academy movies. RIP Bubba.

Just so you know I think Lesbians have super powers and excellent judgment, and make the best films. I'm just sayin'.

Matt Damon says teachers make a shitty salary, Editor Nick Gillespie's analysis would suggest that Damon is off base. I tend to agree with Gillespie but I think the larger issue is not if teacher salaries are high enough, because teaching is a shitty job, but rather why are we paying so much more for our teachers than they end up getting paid? The quick answer is that administrative costs and union contributions are milking the system dry before any real money makes it to the classroom. The argument I've heard often, that teachers are overpaid, is mostly ridiculous but it's hard not to think so when we pay upwards of $15,000 a year per student but only 10% of that ends up making it to the teacher. We'd all be better off hiring a private teacher to handle 6 students at a time and take home $90k, nobody would need a union rep or an army of lobbyists with that salary.

Budget cuts you say? I say nay nay. And so do a lot of other people including Chris Edwards at the Cato Institute.

Very interesting behind the scenes of a movement piece by choreographer Trisha Brown and performer Elizabeth Streb

Spider man, Spider Man, does whatever a spider can. Is he gay? Maybe so. We know he's biracial though. Lookout! There goes the spider man... The new Spider Man is a half Black half Latino teenager who might be gay? Bravo Marvel, Bravo. When you pick a demographic you don't fuck around, you get right damned specific. A lot of people would call that pandering, but not me Marvel. I say thee Bravo. I think I can speak for all of the possibly gay, half Black, half Latino teenagers with super powers that could only have come from an irradiated spider, (like how is that gonna happen twice), when I say thank you, thank you, thank you, now *I* (them, not me, I'm painfully white) have. A. Voice.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The Latest News

Up to the Officer's discretion... whether or not to risk other people's lives? Not sure that's a "policy" I'll accept.

Putin says we're parasites. True but we're also the host.

And a Slow Clap for Congress.

Manufacturing jobs take a hit which can't be related to this... Can it?

Some Good News I don't know why she chose this vote but it's nice to see her up and around.

DB Cooper Update My Mother was on a plane out of Seattle that night and in those days there were no texts to tell people you were safe. The event had an effect and may have played into me sharing the initials of the infamous fugitive.

WinXP is below 50% market share which isn't news at all really. What's fascinating is the graph, I thought for sure OS X was over 5%.

Chip Kelley says he's not losing sleep over Willie Lyles ordeal. Remember it took the NCAA 5 years to nail USC and where was Pete Carroll when they did? Not at USC.

Meanwhile In Washington

Republicans: Mr President, we will not allow you to continue this absurd trend of massive spending that we were more than happy to engage in with a Republican president.
President Obama: Well I'll agree to pretend to slow down a little on the spending that we both want, if you agree to let me punish some rich people so I can get votes.
Democrats: Hell no you will not pretend to cut spending, if we pretend to cut spending we'll lose the money from all our lobbyist and trial lawyer friends.
President Obama: Dammit Democrats play along, if we just get them to let us punish rich people we'll be fine.
Republicans: Hell no if you pretend to punish rich people we'll lose the money from our lobbyist and military contractor friends. Now we'll pretend to want to balance the budget as punishment.
Democrats: What? You want to do what? Balanced budget? That's ridiculous no one could ever spend less than %150 of their income.
Republicans: Ha ha.. fooled you. We were kidding about that balanced budget thing. How about this we'll agree to fake spending cuts if you'll agree to no changes in the tax laws, your friends at GE will be so happy they'll let you cum in thier mouths.
Democrats: That sounds more than fair, can we still call you buggering assholes though?
Republicans:We would expect nothing less. Now shall we adjourn to our private gourmet dining room, the first $500 bottle of wine is on me, and by me I mean my constituents.
Democrats: Oh lets, that would be fantastic. Then lets drive around drunk and force ourselves on some teenagers.
Republicans: I like the way you think.
President Obama: Hey you guys know I'm standing right here... Right?.. Hello:? Guys? Awww dammit I never have any friends.